What If You Can't Bloom Where You're Planted?
I love the phrase “bloom where you’re planted.” But what if your situation leaves you wilted at the end of the day?

Poop In My Hand and Other Tales From the Hot Mamas
A few weeks into my first motherhood gig, a friend of mine called to check in on me. I was holding the phone with one hand and cradling...

Unsolicited Marital Advice from a Twenty-Year Veteran
The ringbearer from my wedding got married this weekend. Nothing makes me feel old like the 5-year-old from my wedding taking his own...

2020: The Year of Resilience
It’s easy to buy into the rhetoric that 2020 has been a dumpster fire. Truthfully, that’s not far from true in so many cases.

The Journey to an Intentional, Purposeful Prayer Time
In college, the Baptist Student Union hosted a prayer retreat. We arrived at 8 a.m. expecting to spend four hours in prayer. The thought...

A Baptist, An Atheist and An Agnostic Walk Onto a College Campus
Just because I disagree with your lifestyle or beliefs, doesn’t mean I hate you.

The Requirement of Spiritual Maturity
The world has trained us to give our children a better life than what we had. But we can be lulled into smoothing the way too much.

Take Up Your Cross
He said “go” and we went. We followed. Why were we not surrounded by flowers and sunshine and unicorns?

When God Shows Up 15 Years Late
When your toddler bounds into the room, a grin spread across his face, and announces, “I have a surprise for you!” You have a fifty-percent

I was never meant to live alone
When I headed to bed the first night home alone, I put the cat into the garage, locked all the doors, and set the alarm.