If Food Was a Love Language
When we moved into our new neighborhood a few months ago, we knew several people but none of our nearest neighbors. One night I cooked a...

Fun Fridays: How to Battle 18 Summers
A few years ago I looked at my school-aged boy and my preschool girl and realized how short the summers were. I was doing work I loved...

Feeling Vulnerable With a Hole in the Middle
We have been having granite countertops put into our kitchen. It’s been a big ole mess for weeks. The guys brought over huge slabs of...

All Your Dumb Twin Questions Answered
Growing up my twin sister and I would roll our eyes at my mamaw who thought we should live our lives in tandem. We joked if it were up to...

I'm a Yes-Aholic (Part 2)
When I was in college, I wrote a column for the student newspaper about being a yes-aholic. I knew then that I had a tendency to over...
The Patience Chronicles
“He was being impatient.” My husband’s blue eyes meant business as he diagnosed the problem with the man who almost ran into my car...

All He Gave Us Was A VBS Backpack
My senior year in college I volunteered as a summer missionary with our state Baptist Student Union. God sent me to the desert. I...

Your Rescue Isn't For Your Benefit
The beginning of the year means everyone is making resolutions. It’s about quitting doing harmful things as much as it is about starting...
What Peter didn't pray (and what it teaches us)
I've been studying a little bit of Acts this week and last night read through the end of chapter four, where Peter and John return from...
We almost let it be just another day
This morning I asked him to run away to Cancun with me. Fourteen years ago we were on a plane bound for the sun and sand of Mexico. Our...