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Over the last six weeks, we've been memorizing our way through the Roman's Road to Salvation. Many people get caught up in those first few verses which (rightly) call us all sinners and condemn us to death. It's what we deserve, yes, but it's not what we're promised. The only way to get from who we are to what God has for us -- a life free from condemnation -- is through the saving grace of Jesus Christ.
Once we've confessed with our mouths and believed in our heart that God raised His Son Jesus from the dead, we are free from condemnation. Forever.
Will we still sin?
Yes. Salvation does not take away our humanity.
We grieve our sinfulness, but we do not wrestle with it alone anymore. And we are not condemned for it. We must continue to confess it and strive to live a pure Christ-like life. That's what salvation does for us. We don't want to live in that sin or chase the things of the world anymore.
What a beautiful picture to end our memorization of the Roman's Road to Salvation.
If you're a believer, memorize this verse to repeat to yourself when you've messed up, again. Let it remind you that you are a new creature and your sinfulness doesn't define you or condemn you. You've been set free. And keep this verse handy for those moments when someone asks how you can live with such freedom.
If you're not a believer, isn't it time you trusted in the Good News that with Christ you are no longer condemned? Confess your sins. Christ is quick to forgive. Believe that Jesus is God's son, who died for your sins, and was raised again on the third day. Trust Him to forgive your sins and set you free.
As always, you'll find two images below. One for your phone's wallpaper and the other to share on social media.