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Get In The Boat

Jesus told the disciples to get into the boat.

I’ve hesitated to tell this story again, but reading through the Bible has reminded me why we retell stories of faith. It’s a reminder to us of what God has done, it bolsters the faith of others, and it gives praise to God. 

So here’s the TL;DR: almost 5 years ago God called us to take a step of faith that required a move away from our family & friends. He opened doors that reminded us this wasn’t about us, it was about His will. If it were up to us, we probably would have never moved. And we would have missed out on a lot. 

For those of you still reading, here’s the longer story. I thought I had shared it several times, but a year ago, a friend's child told me we were selfish to move. Not going to lie, it hurt. Not because I’m concerned about a child’s opinion, but often those opinions originate with parents. However, if following God makes me selfish, so be it. 

Step 1: The Idea

I was cooking ground beef at the stove when my husband told me the company where he had worked for 15 years (his whole career) had announced another buy-out. For my readers who are unfamiliar with corporate speak, the company often offered generous severance packages to anyone who volunteered to leave prior to a layoff to reduce the number of forced terminations. We had already survived two buy-outs/lay-offs in the last 18 months. For the first time, we wondered if the time had come for my husband to leave his job. 

Step 2: Praying

We asked for God’s guidance. Usually, when I pray for wisdom, I want a spotlight on the road ahead. I often receive a pen light with a low battery. While God did not shine a spotlight on the steps right in front of us, He did give us discernment about the long-term future. (Side note: What God allowed us to see then as the distant future has been fulfilled in the last few months.) 

Step 3: God Speaks

A week or two later, on a Sunday night in November 2019, our pastor started his sermon by telling us that he had not planned to preach this specific message, but God directed it to him that day. He knew that usually meant someone needed to hear it. His sermon title: You Don’t Have to Know, Just Row. I knew immediately it was for me. Everyone else might as have left. I hope they enjoyed the Word God had for me that night.

That sermon focused on the scripture where Jesus called his disciples into the boat and then started across the lake. They didn’t know where they were going, but they went because Jesus said to get into the boat. (Don't miss the next part. They lose their minds because a storm kicks up and Jesus is asleep. We'll talk about that in a minute.) 

Step 4: Committing

After that sermon, we knew we were taking the buyout. We knew God was calling us to a change, but we didn’t know what that meant. Once we committed to follow His call, things moved fast. By Tuesday after that sermon, a company we never expected to call did. By Wednesday, my husband had an interview and a job offer. He hadn’t even had time to sign the buyout paperwork. 

Step 5: Our Plans and His Plans

The new job required us to move an hour and a half away. We planned to sell our house in late spring and move in the summer. But a realtor asked to show our house to a client in January. We sold it without listing it 4 months earlier than we had planned. 

Step 6: The Storm

Now we talk about what happens once you're inside the boat with Jesus. That huge storm that terrified the disciples? Yeah, our boat ride with Jesus was no less harrowing. The pandemic settled in around us the weekend we moved. 

Now almost 5 years later, I can’t imagine not following God to this new place, but the journey hasn’t been easy. It’s not the journey we would have chosen, but there’s no peace in a storm like knowing you are exactly where God wants you. I love the many new friends we have made, my job which would never have happened, and so much more about this life. God has blessed us. If God is calling you to something different, say yes. I can’t promise calm seas ahead, but if the one who calms the sea is with you, there’s no better place to be. 


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