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Whom have I but You?

Earlier this year, our Sunday School class studied heaven. Someone in our class commented that if we're looking forward to heaven for any other reason than Jesus, our focus is off.

That's hard to wrap our minds around, especially after we've lost someone. As humans, we can not fathom not missing the people who have passed on to heaven ahead of us. Our hearts long to be reunited. To hug a grandparent or parent or spouse or child. To be made whole again.

But the Bible tells us heaven will be a place filled with singing Christ's praises.

This Psalm reminds us, that we have no one more important waiting on us in heaven but God.

It also reminds us that we don't have anyone more important on this earth than God. He is our portion.

On a Proverbs 31 podcast this week, the speaker said she had gone through seasons of life with nothing to cling to but God, and she held on with all her strength. The host asked her what that looked like. I don't have to ask. I've lived it.

For me, clinging to God here on earth is memorizing scripture to repeat to the enemy when he tries to fill my head with lies and my heart with doubt.

It's singing praise songs in the night when I cannot sleep.

It's one-by-one releasing all my worries and what-ifs to God every morning, every night, and often multiple times during the day.

This week's memory verse comes from the Psalms. It reminds us we have but one reason to look forward to heaven and one person we cling to here on earth.

Keep your eyes on Him, my friend. He is your strength and portion.

As usual, you'll find two images below to help with memorization. One formatted for your phone's wallpaper and one to share on social media. I pray these verses aid you in burying the Word in your heart this year.



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